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Customer testimonials
Feedback from Digital Med
Frédéric Chamla, President of Digital Med, explains how Infortive helped him find the right Transition CTO.
White papers
Cybersecurity in times of crisis
Cybersecurity crisis recommendations for CIOs and General Management, by the Infortive Community's Transition CIOs.
White papers
10 outsourcing pitfalls
Focus for IT Departments on the main pitfalls encountered when putting together a call for outsourcing tenders (first-time bidder or renewal bidder), and then when implementing it.
White papers
How can I improve my IT department's performance?
This article, written by IT & Digital Transition Managers, explains how to make IT more agile by changing its behavior to speed it up.
Customer testimonials
Feedback from Veolia
Feedback from Stéphanie Quirino, HR Manager at Veolia Water Information Systems, on the combo offer: Headhunter + Interim Management
Infortive News
Our Transition Management methodology
Infortive was created by interim managers, pioneers in the IT sector. The multitude of assignments they have carried out has enabled them to identify a methodology for success.
Why and how to organize your technology watch?
Technology intelligence is the key to staying one step ahead for CIOs. This article shows you why and how to implement it effectively.
Transition CIO: accelerating companies' digital transformation
How do Transition CIOs accelerate digital transformation? When and how to call in a Transition CIO?
Astonishment report after a CIO's first 100 days
How do I write my CIO astonishment report? Questions to ask yourself and a suggested report structure
Customer testimonials
Feedback from Aqualung
Aqualung's CIO shares his experience with Infortive in recruiting a Transition Manager to lead the strategic ERP homogenization program
Training testimonials
Testimonials on CIO Executive training
Read the testimonials of all the participants in the first 2 classes of the CIO training program set up in partnership between Infortive and CentraleSupélec Exed.
Training testimonials
Charbel Kalayli, Director of Organization and IS at IÉSEG
"Today there's no such thing as CIO training, and here we're taking various extremely important concepts that we condense into a course and can apply."
Training testimonials
Julien Rousseau, Deputy CIO at Docaposte
"The training is dense, it gives a real overview of the CIO function."
Training testimonials
Julie Dura, Pre-Sales Manager
Training in a few words? "Enriching, rich, dynamic, and fun."
Training testimonials
Christophe Lenoir, Transition CIO
"I don't know of any other training like this!"
Customer testimonials
Feedback from MACIF
Crisis management: Laurent Aucouturier, Head of Data Solutions & AI, shares his experience of working with Infortive Transition
CIO Webinar: Developing leadership skills in relation to the Codir and Business Units
Replay of the webinar "DSI: Développer son leadership vis-à-vis le Codir et des Métiers" presenting the new training course created by Infortive and CentraleSupélec Exed
UX Design: a leadership lever for CIOs
How can UX Design transform your IT department and your business?