Time for the best
Infortive is the reference when it comes to recruiting high-level IT & Digital experts who are immediately operational.
Continuing education
From DSI to dsi
France's 1st training course to strengthen CIO skills, delivered by highly experienced CIOs. This CIO training course was created by the Communauté Infortive des DSI de Transition, in partnership with CentraleSupélec Exed. The course is aimed at all current and future CIOs.
We have a very high understanding of the IT & Digital sector
As the founders of Infortive have been Transitional CIOs, we deeply understand your needs.
We know how to assess candidates' interpersonal skills as much as their know-how, ensuring the best IT & digital hires.
We run a large community of IT & Digital managers who share their feedback and enable us to be as close as possible to the needs of the field.
With CentraleSupélec Exed, we've created the1st training course offering a 360° view of the CIO profession, by CIOs in the field.
We're shaping the CIOs of tomorrow and helping the profession evolve in the process.
is a sector with huge disparities in individual performance
IT deals with abstract concepts that are becoming increasingly sophisticated. It is therefore preferable to recruit a high-caliber individual, even a more expensive one, as he or she will find it easier to handle the complexity.
In fact, their value for money is far superior to that of many average individuals who lack the required capacity for abstraction.
Accelerated technological obsolescence means that new technologies have to be relearned regularly. This is to the advantage of high-level individuals who can adapt more easily.