
Transition CIO firms in the spotlight on Appvizer

Appvizer, France's No. 1 platform for recommending IT solutions for businesses, deciphers the ins and outs of Transition CIOs

This article looks at the role of the Transitional CIO, a temporary management solution for critical situations within a company, such as malfunctions or vacancies in the CIO position. A Transitional CIO is an experienced expert, able to solve complex problems thanks to his or her previous experience.

The role of the CIO has evolved to become a key player in creating value for the company, but this transformation often leads to friction, which the Transition CIO is called upon to resolve. He can be called upon in a variety of situations, such as loss of management confidence, project delays or IT crises.

Transitional CIOs generally take on temporary assignments to stabilize a situation, manage change or roll out a new organization. His technical and managerial skills, as well as his social intelligence, are essential to re-establishing trust and collaboration between teams.

Transition CIO: a solution for crisis management

The Transition CIO is an emerging solution for resolving crisis situations in Information Systems Departments. The success of this offer stems from the fact that the intervener is a highly experienced executive who has already resolved such a situation in a similar context.

The profile of a Transition CIO is therefore very comprehensive, which reassures companies: he or she intervenes at strategic and tactical levels, but also and above all at operational level. His ability to implement the actions he has recommended is a highly appreciated asset.

Transition CIO firms offer the best service coverage

The article sets out the advantages and disadvantages of three options for companies wishing to use an interim CIO: the interim management firm, the consulting firm and finally the interim CIO firm.

The first two types of service provider are the most popular because they have been around the longest, but they are by far the least comprehensive. In addition, the category of Transition CIO firms (of which Infortive is one), is perceived as providing the most added value for the client company: "They make the diagnosis, propose the right profile, make recommendations and solve the problem in an operational way".

Customer expresses need within 24 hours

Enrichment of requirements by Infortive experts

Drafting and validation of mission statement

Identify the most suitable Interim Managers in 48 hours

Presentation of interim managers at the client's or Infortive's premises

Infortive's recommendations on candidate selection

Transition manager's ownership of objectives

Defining mission communication

Mission start-up

Mission monitoring by a mission manager and implementation of a mission monitoring schedule

3-week astonishment report and realignment of objectives

End of mission report

a close up of a circle with an arrow pointing to the center
a close up of a circle with an arrow pointing to the center
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